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Cake - Let Me Go Bass

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Let Me Go Bass
Version #1

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"Let Me Go"

Having downloaded numerous songs from this great archive and from Olga, I 
decided it was finally time to contribute something.

This is a terrific though not very well song, very catchy.  You will need 
to listen to the song carefully to get the rhythm right; it is not 
complicated but not easy either.

Tuning is standard EADG, timing is standard 4/4.

1.  GUITAR INTRO, bass rests for 4 measures

2.  VERSE A - play 2 times


[ no lyrics ]

3.  VERSE B - play 2 times


[ lyrics ]

4.  VERSE A - play 2 times

[ lyrics ]

[ last time, repeat last measure one extra time ]

4.  CHORUS - play 2 times with lyrics


[ lyrics ]

[ occasionally plays a few additional notes where fill is, not sure what]

[ last time, repeat last measure one extra time ]

5.  CHORUS - play 2 times without lyrics (guitar solo)

6.  Go back and repeat whole thing starting from #2, and at end play chorus 
several additional times.
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โ†‘ Back to top | Tablatures and chords for acoustic guitar and electric guitar, ukulele, drums are parodies/interpretations of the original songs. You may use it for private study, scholarship, research or language learning purposes only