Guitar tablature for "Anger And The Truth" by "The Unseen"

Artist: The Unseen
Piece: Anger And The Truth
Instrument: Guitar
Submitter: time33consume33me
Tab provided by tTabs


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Quality: Unrated.

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#-- File created with Instab - --#

Author/Artist: The Unseen
Title: Anger and the truth
Album: The anger and the truth
Transcribed by: Weeman

surprised this is teh 1st time this has been tabbed, cool song.
well here it is, pretty sure its atleast 95% correct

 intro X2  (breaking pm)


 lead for verse (2nd verse only)         2nd part

 chorus X3 then ------------------>               x1
 outro X3 then ------------------------------------------|    X1 then end


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