Bass tablature for "Black No 1 (petes Way)" by "Type O Negative"

Artist: Type O Negative
Piece: Black No 1 (petes Way)
Instrument: Bass
Submitter: nodferatu1538
Tab provided by tTabs


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written by type o negative
album bloody kisses
transcribed by dank the cosmic dog
  verse riff   (play it on this string or low e)                end riff
[-----------------------------------------------------]      [--------]
[-----------2222-0-0-0--------------------------5-----]      [----5---]
[-0000-3333---------3--------------0000-3333--57-65---]      [--57-65-]
[-----------------------------------------------------]      [--------]
 chorus (black black black number one)           pre chorus
[---------------------------------]      [---------------------]
[---------22--00-0-0--------------]      [-------2--0-0-3b^4r--]
[-00--33----------3---------------]      [--0--3---------------]
[---------------------------------]      [---------------------]

  loving you riff        end of l.y. riff
[-----------------------]  [---------]
[-----------------------]  [---------]
[-----------------------]  [---------]
[--5--7--3-----5--7--3--]  [--5---7--]

 break riff                              outro riff                              
[-------------------------------]    [-------------------------------------]
[-------------------------------]    [-------------------------------------]
[--------------1-11-1-3---------]    [----------2-2-0-0--------------------]
[--0-00-0ho3po0----3----4po3po0-]    [--0-0-3-3----------0-0--4-3-55-6^7r--]

that's the end. be expecting more type o and superjoint ritual tabs from me. let me know what you think of this one


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