Guitar tablature for "White Wings (Lyric)" by "Sebastian Knoop"

Artist: Sebastian Knoop
Piece: White Wings (Lyric)
Instrument: Guitar
Submitter: guitarsiden
Tab provided by tTabs


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White wings, fly upon the earth
White light, shine from the centre
White is the colour for emptiness
White may stay the colour for death

Empty hall, coloured white
Not likely the future i’ve imagine
This is the end of road for us
Sorry, chained to my mind
Endless days and night without
The right to know the reason
Why I lost you so fast

Never got to know your better
Never had time to hear your cry
Never felt sympathy until know
Thats why I writtin this song

Speaking without the word
Followed to get the meaning
Only the silence of the situation
Very describing for our 
Relations and constellation 
Such a shame I never knew you better
Until it was to late
Knows the regrets.

Like the sun and the moon
Like the whole and emptiness
Like love against the hate
Why the sorrow now

Insecure and helpless
Goes hand in hand with hate,
Love and the third nameless part
Maybe the mystic about it drives me
Not sure about the fact anymore
Im sure this is the right time to move on

When the colour white appears
You know its to late to get a second chance
And maybe that is the problem, simply
Find out about the trues to late to show
The world what you really need to know  

White wings, fly upon the earth
White light, shine from the centre
White is the colour for emptiness
White may stay the colour for death

White wings is the last you ever feel and see
Be careful and sure about your feelings
Even though its hard and sometimes even evil
You Took away my beloved family.


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