Guitar tablature for "All I Ever Wanted" by "Santana"

Artist: Santana
Piece: All I Ever Wanted
Instrument: Guitar
Submitter: unknown
Tab provided by tTabs


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Quality: Unrated.

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Tablature Explanation:
/=slide up
=slide down
b=bend half
^=bend full
br, ^r=bend & release
///////= tremolo pick

A lot of the riffs are repeated in the song so I only wrote them
once. They are in order of appearance.

play along with lyrics:








There are two guitars playing here. The second guitar part is harder to hear
but is better. There isn't all that much to guitar one's part.

Guitar 1:
Guitar 2:

|--------------------------------pre bend and pick and release---------------






along with lyrics:




***** `&' *********************************************
**     #                                             **
**     #     Any corrections, questions, comments,   **
**    _#_    etc. welcome!                           **
**   ( # )                                           **
**   / O    Kyle Barton (      **
**  ( === )           **
**** `---' ********************************************


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