Guitar tablature for "Cartwheels" by "The Reindeer Section"

Artist: The Reindeer Section
Piece: Cartwheels
Instrument: Guitar
Submitter: unknown
Tab provided by tTabs


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The Reindeer Section

Main Riff
Guitar 1 (Acoustic)
|--------------------------------| Repeat this throughout the song excluding the chorus

Secondary Riff
Guitar 2 (Clean Electric)
|--7-| This is repeated 16 times the first time it is heard, and 12 times every time "Im doing cartwheels" is sung.

Background to all riffs (random picking)
Guitar 3 (Slightly dirty Electric)
Just play single notes and let them ring from this scale (Mostly lower half on the 9th frets)

Chorus Riff (Guitar 1 and 2)

A  Asus  E
x   0    0
2   3    0
2   2    1
2   0    2
x   x    2
x   x    0

          A         Asus        E~    (~ = Continue Struming through to the A)
It will all tie me up into knots
          A         Asus        E~
It will all tie me up into knots

Final Chorus
          A         Asus        E~
It will all tie me up into knots
          A         Asus        E~
It will all tie me up into knots
          A         Asus        E~
it will all tie me up into knots
          A         Asus        E
it will all tie me up into knots

Tabbed By Alistair Mellen


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