
I Think We're Alone Now



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I Think We're Alone Now

	  		Transcribed by Dave Carr ([email protected]) 
(Intro) A  E  D  A 
(V1)    A          E    D                 A 
        Children behave, that's what they say when we're together 
        A                  E    D                A 
        And watch how they play, they don't understand - and so we're 
(Br)    E                          A 
        Running just as fast as we can 
        E                          A 
        Holding onto one another's hands 
        Trying to get away into the night 
        And then you put your arms around me 
        As we tumble to the ground and then you say 
(Ch)    A               E       D 
        I think we're alone now 
        There doesn't seem to be anyone around 
        A               E       D 
        I think we're alone now 
        The beating of our hearts is the only sound 
(V2)    Look at the way we've gotta hide what we're doing 
        Cos what would they say if they ever knew, and so we're... 


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