Guitar tablature for "Slave To The Wage" by "Placebo"

Artist: Placebo
Piece: Slave To The Wage
Instrument: Guitar
Submitter: GodDamn666
Tab provided by tTabs


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Author/Artist: Placebo
Title: Slave To The Wage
Album: Black Market Music

play in standard placebo tuning (F Bb Eb Ab C C)

b = bend up		r = release bend		v = use vibrato bar


The Texas Never Whispers Loop


		         x2                        x2	             x2

Bridge     play 1st and 2nd times     play 1st time            play 2nd time

Chorus	 bend up half step between 11 and 12 and hold	              x2


Verse 2
same as verse

Bridge 2
same as bridge

Chorus 2   bend up half step between 11 and 12 and hold	      x2



Instrumental 2
same as instrumental

Chorus 3




Outro       repeat a few times   end on this chord


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