Guitar tablature for "Brena" by "A Perfect Circle"

Artist: A Perfect Circle
Piece: Brena
Instrument: Guitar
Submitter: allforunity
Tab provided by tTabs


This Brena Guitar tab is rated:
Quality: Unrated.

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intro (0:01)



 the second time through the intro, he throws in some variety by not
playing the 3rd measure, but
 rather playing the fourth measure twice.

 as for this next part, it's kinda buried, so i know i've got the right
chord and whatnots, but
 in regards to having exactly the right notes... i don't know.  this
sounds right, but i can't
 guarantee it's *exactly* what they play.  close enough, though.



 add distortion for this part.





  (3:19) - guitar solo (outro)



im sorry this was so long, but if you copy paste it onto word pad, it should even out


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