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Kelly Paul - Beggar On The Street Of Love Tabs

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Beggar On The Street Of Love Tabs
Version #1
Kelly Paul

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Beggar on the Street of Love

G          C          G                   C
In my time I have been a rich man given favours

G            C          G                          C        G
All the world at my feet and it's many different flavours

         Em        G      C   D
I sucked it all dry now I realise

       G                         C   D
I'm a beggar on the street of love

       G                         C   D
I'm a beggar on the street of love

       G                         C   D
I'm a beggar on the street of love

G            C               G
All the rest have no charm

There's nothing they can give me

G          C                G
What I want makes me poor

                            C        G
In this great big world of plenty

      Em              G             C       D
I'm holding out my cup only you can fill it up

       G                         C   D
I'm a beggar on the street of love

       G                         C   D
I'm a beggar on the street of love

       G                         C   D   *
I'm a beggar on the street of love

C               G            Am              C  D  Em
       On my own I'm standing so patiently

             G              Am
And my heart keeps calling

                 F       D     G
Calling out for you to see

                                  C            D     G
You look right through me and you pass me by

                                  C            D
You look right through me and you pass me by

* - CODA

D       G   C D
I'm a beggar, I'm a beggar.

Repeat and then fade.

Take my hand, lead me to
Your loving milk and honey
Cover me, keep me from
The night so cold and rainy
Please, I'm down on my knees
I'm a beggar on the street of love.
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↑ Back to top | Tablatures and chords for acoustic guitar and electric guitar, ukulele, drums are parodies/interpretations of the original songs. You may use it for private study, scholarship, research or language learning purposes only