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Butterfield Paul And Better Days - Small Town Talk Tabs

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Small Town Talk Tabs
Version #1
Butterfield Paul And Better Days

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     Song written by Bobby Charles and Rick Danko

   INTRO:  F#m7/ B13/ F#m7/ B13

   VERSE 1
	B13      F#m7        B13     F#m7           B13
	It's all small town talk you know how people are

	Emaj7              C#m7  G#m7        C#7#5b9
	They can't stand to see someone else doin' what

               F#m7     B13   F#m7   B13
	they'd like to do

   VERSE 2
        B13      F#m7       B13      F#m7         B13
	It's all small town talk you mustn't pay no mind

        Emaj7          C#m7   G#m7          C#7#5b9
	Don't believe a word they'll try and do it every 

         F#m7   B13  F#m7  B13

        Amaj7     B13     Emaj7         C#m7
	You can't believe everything you hear 

	F#m7     B13            Emaj7
	and only half of what you see

	Amaj7        B13   Emaj7        C#m7
	So if you're gonna believe in anyone

         G#m7              B13
	darlin' believe in me---

   VERSE 3
        B13      F#m7       B13       F#m7         
	It's all small town talk and it's a well known 

        B13   Emaj7           C#m7 G#m7         B7#5b9
	fact, you might never know how one might react 

                     F#m7     B13
	to what your thinkin'

        B13    F#m7       B13          F#m7         B13
	And in small town talk they'll tell a lot a lies

        Emaj7           C#m7   G#m7       B7#5b9
	make some people crazy they never realize that

              F#m7   B13  
	their sinkin'

	Amaj7      B13       Emaj7          C#m7
	WE're just two folks tryin' to live together

        F#m7      B13              Emaj7
	and we're tryin' to make it work

	Amaj7      B13   Emaj7     C#m7
	So who are we to judge one another 

        G#m7                   B13      
	That could cause a lot a hurt, a whole lotta hurt

  SOLO: harmonica solo over verse chords

   REPEAT CHORUS #2 THEN FADE OUT OVER F#m7 and B13 chords

   Vocals on this track are by Geoff Muldaur.
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