Bass tablature for "I Am Jesus" by "Nightfall"

Artist: Nightfall
Piece: I Am Jesus
Instrument: Bass
Submitter: BBHades
Tab provided by tTabs


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NightFall - I Am Jesus

Beautiful song by NightFall, all-time favorite of me. Quite easy to play actually.

Intro: (let the guitar play and fall in...)

D |---------------------------------8-8-8877|
A |-----------------------------------------|
D |-----------------------------------------|
G |-----------------------------------------|

And then go on once with:

-Part One-

D |7-00-0-000-3-00-0-000-7-00-0-000-8-8-8877|
A |-----------------------------------------|
D |-----------------------------------------|
G |-----------------------------------------|

-Part two-

D |00000-5-555-00000-4-444-00000-2-222-0-1-0-1-0-1-0|  Played 4x
A |-------------------------------------------------|
D |-------------------------------------------------|
G |-------------------------------------------------|

-Part three-

D |-------------55-3-5-33-1|	Played 2x
A |5-3-1-3-5---------------|
D |------------------------|
G |------------------------|

-Part four-

D |1-0-1-0-1-0-3--|	Played 4x
A |---------------|
D |---------------|
G |---------------|

-Part One-

D |7-00-0-000-3-00-0-000-7-00-0-000-8-8-8877|	Played 2x
A |-----------------------------------------|
D |-----------------------------------------|
G |-----------------------------------------|

-Part two-

D |00000-5-555-00000-4-444-00000-2-222-0-1-0-1-0-1-0|  Played 4x
A |-------------------------------------------------|
D |-------------------------------------------------|
G |-------------------------------------------------|

-Part three-

D |-------------55-3-5-33-1|	Played 2x
A |5-3-1-3-5---------------|
D |------------------------|
G |------------------------|

-Part Five-

D |1-0-1-0-1-0-2--2-1-2-1-2-1-3|	Played 4x
A |----------------------------|
D |----------------------------|
F |----------------------------|

-Bass Solo-

D |------------5-3-1--------------5-3-1--12-12-12-12-15-15-15-17----|
A |5-3-1-0-1-0--------5-3-1-0-1-0-----------------------------------|
D |-----------------------------------------------------------------|
G |-----------------------------------------------------------------|

Not the exact solo but this is how i play it, sounds fun 2

-Part three-

D |-------------55-3-5-33-1|	Played 4x
A |5-3-1-3-5---------------|
D |------------------------|
G |------------------------|

-Part One-

D |7-00-0-000-3-00-0-000-7-00-0-000-8-8-8877|	Played 2x
A |-----------------------------------------|
D |-----------------------------------------|
G |-----------------------------------------|

That's it. Some Parts aren't exactly right but i think it sounds better the way i tabbed it. 
If there's still a false note ore anything else, please comment to

Good luck playing! 


BB from HadeS


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