Misc Unsigned Bands - Apocasition - Invisible Warrior Chords & Tabs


Apocasition - Invisible Warrior Chords & Tabs

Misc Unsigned Bands Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Tab

Apocasition - Invisible Warrior Tab

ApocasitioN  -  invisible  warrior

my  tuning  is  weird.  think  slayer  (  dropped  down  half  a  step  ),  but  in  drop  d  (C#).

tabbed  this  out  for  my  buddy  who  plays  bass,  thought  i'd  share

this  song  should  be  just  under  4  mins.  when  played  right,  this  is  for  
 and  grins  only,  dont  steal  my  track,  or  i  may  have  to  kill  you.

any questions/comments/usuage,e-mail-me: jdawg5tl@yahoo.com      

~  hold

*  pinch  harmonic

m  mute  note  after  it  rings

Intro:  (  bass  and  guitar  are  same  )

~  hold  

*  pinch  harmonic

m  mute  note  after  it  rings    

Intro:  (  bass  and  guitar  are  same  )   

--------------------------------  x4  


--------------------------------  x4  


repeat  once  more  (  no  pause  )  

hold  7/6  slide  on  second  time  through  and  push  /  pull  on  tremolo  

Go  into  this  Pre  -  Verse  Thing  (  bass  fills  only  on  9/8,  7/6  slides  )   





repeat  pre  verse  thing  once  more  

Rhythym  1  

		      part is  like  hammer  on  but  you
		      pluck  both  notes 
 		    |     |

                    |     |  

go  through  rhytyhm  1  once  more  

Verse  1  


[ Tab from: https://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/m/misc_unsigned_bands/apocasition_invisible_warrior_tab.html ]

repeat  verse  1  once  more  

Verse  2  



repeat  verse  2  once  more  

Rhythym  2  

---------------------------7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7--7/6  x  4  
^gallop picking  

verse  2  (  2  times  through  )  

rhythym  2  (  x  4  )  

Lead  1  

---------------------------------10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10~10~\9  x  2  



verse  1  (  2  times  through  ) 

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                    |     |  

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How to play Apocasition - Invisible Warrior