Guitar tablature for "Barbie Girl" by "Aqua"
Artist: Aqua
Piece: Barbie Girl
Instrument: Guitar
Submitter: tidus730
Tab provided by tTabs
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barbie Girl - Aqua -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by: tidus730 Tuning:standard **This song was a huge one-hit wonder when I was in elementary school. Then I listened it for the first time a couple days ago and thought I could "punkify" the song like bands have done (i.e. "video killed the radio star" and "99 red balloons" And so here is my take on this can mix it up if you like.** Intro (random synth crap but try ringing out these chords to the singing) "I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world,..." "You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere,..." (Chorus lyrics) e|-------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------| G|-6~~~~-------------------------------| 4x D|-6~~~~----9~~~~----7~~~~----9~~~~----| A|-4~~~~----9~~~~----7~~~~----9~~~~----| E|----------7~~~~----5~~~~----7~~~~----| Drums begin...starts off with Chorus... "I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world,..." "You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere,..." e|-------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------| G|-6666--------------------------------| 4x D|-6666--9999--7777--9999--------------| A|-4444--9999--7777--9999--------------| E|-------7777--5555--7777--------------| Now the Verse...just change up the chords!! "I'm a blonde, bimbo girl, in the fantasy world,..." "You're my doll, rock and roll,..." e|-------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------| G|-6666--------------------------------| 4x D|-6666--7777--9999--7777--------------| A|-4444--7777--9999--7777--------------| E|-------5555--7777--5555--------------| Pre-Chorus...easy stuff... "You can touch, you can play, if you say, I'm always yours." e|--------------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------------| G|-66666666------------66666666---------------| D|-66666666--99999999--66666666--99999999-----| A|-44444444--99999999--44444444--99999999-----| E|-----------77777777------------77777777-----| **...back to Chorus...** Now it's the can approach it anyway you like but this is what I did it add some spice to the cheesy singing... "Come on barbie, let's go barbie, ah ah ah yeah!" "Come on barbie, let's go barbie, uu-ooh-u, uu-ooh-u" "ah ah ah yeah" "uu-ooh-u, uu-ooh-u" e|-------------------------------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------------------------------| G|-6666----------------------------6666--------***----***------| 2x D|-6666--7777--99--77--99--1111----6666--7777--999-9--999-9----| A|-4444--7777--99--77--99--1111----4444--7777--999-9--999-9----| E|-------5555--77--55--77--9-9-----------5555--777-7--777-7----| **...back to Verse...** "Make me walk, make me talk, do whatever you please,..." "Come jump in, bimbo friend, let us do it again,..." **Pre-Chorus...this time 2x** **Breakdown again...** **...back to 2x** ***Play Breakdown again for outro*** and thats about it...nothing really to it...just fun to play.
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