Guitar tablature for "Kottonmouth 3 Horny Devils" by "Kottonmouth Kings"

Artist: Kottonmouth Kings
Piece: Kottonmouth 3 Horny Devils
Instrument: Guitar
Submitter: unknown
Tab provided by tTabs


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Untitled Document

#File created with Instab - 
Author/Artist: Kottonmouth Kings
Title: 3 Horny Devils
Album: Hidden Stash
Transcribed by: Justin Adair

please tell me someone's reading this ....there's not enough kottonmouth 
kings fans out there..............oh I feel so alone........ just phuckin' 
wit ya
I threw the bass fill ins as guitar riffs so it sounds a little more 
complete.      and i know EVERY Kottonmouth Kings song ever recorded if 
anyone's interested.




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