Guitar tablature for "My Last Serenade" by "Killswitch Engage"

Artist: Killswitch Engage
Piece: My Last Serenade
Instrument: Guitar
Submitter: tableforone
Tab provided by tTabs


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 artist: killswitch engage
 song: my last serenade
 album: alive or just breathing
 transcribed by: brad manz (

 tuning is dropped C style (C-G-C-F-A-D).
 acoustic intro.. can be played with clean tone
 these are the chords, but strum them arpeggio, slow and light
 make sure you mute the string in the second chord or it doesn't sound right

 into the heavy part..

 pay attention to the muting to get this sounding right
       m m m       m m m         m m m   m   m m   m m m 


 prechorus, both guitars

 chorus, guitar 1
 these are just the 3 chords used, they're played more than once each

 chorus, guitar 2
 not the exact number of times for each note, but played over guitar 1 above



 little transition riff, played only once in the song


 the rest of the song is just reusing the all of the riffs above
 and finally..

 the last chord, fades out to acoustic part again


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