Guitar tablature for "Look What You've Done" by "Jet"

Artist: Jet
Piece: Look What You've Done
Instrument: Guitar
Submitter: <img src="/images/star.gif"><img src="/images/star.gif">
Tab provided by tTabs


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Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2003 16:28:35 -0800 (PST)
From: Wayne D. Wong 
Subject: j/jet/look_what_youve_done.crd

SONG: Look What You've Done

(written by: N. Cester)

C			G
take my ^Å 

           Am		F
if it just ^Å 

C			G
coz' all thats left ^Å

       Am		D
and theres nothing ^Å 


F			G
oh, look what ^Å

        C         C/B       Am
(2nd and 3rd chorus use G#-A#-C instead sometimes)
you've made a ^Å. 

F                   G
oh, well, it ^Å 

      C           C/B        D
until you lose ^Å.


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