Guitar tablature for "Up & Gone" by "Hoobastank"

Artist: Hoobastank
Piece: Up & Gone
Instrument: Guitar
Submitter: Brandon78311
Tab provided by tTabs


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#-- File created with Instab - --#
Author/Artist: Hoobastank
Title: Up & Gone
Album: Hoobastank
Transcribed by: Brandon Rodriguez
Up & Gone
Tuning: Drop D
Note:  Hoobastank plays most songs in Open E which is low to high: E-B-E-G#-B-E.
I'm sure this one is no exception.  However I have chosen to tab this in drop D.
I've given the proper tuning, so if you want to transpose it be my guest.Messing
with one string is easier than messing with four.  
So play Up & Gone here in drop D, It will make you more attractive!










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