Guitar tablature for "Niki Fm" by "Hawthorne Heights"

Artist: Hawthorne Heights
Piece: Niki Fm
Instrument: Guitar
Submitter: pingpong
Tab provided by tTabs


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Artist: Hawthorne Heights
Transcribed By: PingPong
Note: THE DREADED WORDS!!! MY FIRST TAB!! please dont be too cruel.. i know i messed up at some parts and i didnt label some parts and junk... MAYHEM!
Fixed: What that one guy said and some other junk... added other guitar part for chorus

G1 Clean                     

G1 Clean                         

G1&G2 Distortion

G1 Distortion
  . .  . .             . .  . .             . .  . .             . .  . .

G2 Clean

G3 Clean
|---------------7--------------------7--------------------7--------------------7--------| comes in the 3rd time

G1 slight distortion

G2 slight distortion

Repeat PreVerse

G1 distortion

G2 distortion

Repeat Verse (the second time dont play the little do do de do do the last time)

G1 slight distortion

G2 slight distortion

Repeat Chorus
Repeat PreVerse
Repeat Chorus

G1 Distortion (tremolo picking)

-Bridge Continued-

G1 Distortion

G2 Distortion

-Breakdown- (i think its what you call a breakdown)
G1 Distortion
       . .      .     .     . .      . .

G2 Distortion
|----12----12----11----12----7---7----------0---------------------------------------------| (come in after G1 plays
|------0-----0-----0-----0----0---0-----------0-------------------------------------------|  its part once)

G2 Clean or ionno some kind of slight echoismthingaheebie

G1 comes in with G3

G3 Some kind of effect



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