Bass tablature for "Her Middle Name Was Boom" by "Glassjaw"

Artist: Glassjaw
Piece: Her Middle Name Was Boom
Instrument: Bass
Submitter: glassjawguy
Tab provided by tTabs


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please if anyone figures out the rest of this song contact me cause i can't quite figure it all out

check out my band at

intro hold out the notes

verse but after the verse intro it starts out with and boom she said i don't know the fills yet
G---------------     G-------------
D---------------     D------0------
A-2-0-2/5-------  or A-2-0-2------0
D--------5-3-5/7     D-------5-3-5-

chorus: it's something like that

part after each chorus

the end is basically a lot of noise so basically do what ever

so far that is all i have figured out of the song please e-mail me if u know any more of it but in the meantime i will try to figure out the rest and will finish figuring out siberian kiss which is almost done everything you ever wanted to know about silence, harlem, lovebytes and razorlines, and i will be starting on snow viel(can be found on


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