Guitar tablature for "Counterparts And Number Them" by "Alexisonfire"

Artist: Alexisonfire
Piece: Counterparts And Number Them
Instrument: Guitar
Submitter: noonecouldseeme
Tab provided by tTabs


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Song: Counterparts and Number them
Tuning: one half setp down
Key: Eb minor
Tabbed by: Mark Mazurek

this is all just for one guitar but with this you can figure out what the other one plays


-0-7---0-5---0-3---0-2------------(play 8 times)--------------------

Chords into verse:



-3-7-----------5-3-7-----------5---(play a bunch of times)----------



First interlude part:


still working on the rest
if im feeling nice ill post it


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