Bass tablature for "Kkk Bitch" by "Body Count"

Artist: Body Count
Piece: Kkk Bitch
Instrument: Bass
Submitter: unknown
Tab provided by tTabs


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Body Count - KKK bitch
"Drop down" tuning (all string half setp down :)
Bassist - Mooseman
Album - Body Count
Tabbed by - lorenzo

I just write the main riff.
(Not so many variations, you can feel it)
BTW Mooseman rulz :)

Main riff (repeated many times):
Gb ----------------------------------------------------------------
Db ----------------------------------------------------------------
Ab --------------------3---3---3-4-5---5-3---3-5-------------------
Eb 5---5-3---3-5-----5---5---5-----------------------0-3-0-3-0-3-4-

I hope the timing is correct


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