Guitar tablature for "1000 Days To Sodom" by "Venom"

Artist: Venom
Piece: 1000 Days To Sodom
Instrument: Guitar
Submitter: unknown
Tab provided by tTabs


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                     From the Album WELCOME TO HELL
                     Copyright 1981 - NEAT RECORDS
                     Version 1.0 - (APR. - 2001)

Transcribed by: BJØRN

For Questions, Comments, Newest Version, or Corrections contact

Check Out Death Warp, With More Transcriptions On It:

..  - palm mute          /  - slide up to
   - slide down to      ~  - vibrato
 h  - hammer on          b  - bend
 p  - pull off            Suffixes for bend
                          ph - pinch harmonic
                           f - full bend    h - half bend
*  - see comment           r - release      t - tap bend
X  - percussion mute       ~ - vibrato bend
@  - slight palm mute     () - ghost note, sustained note

Tune Gtr to C#

Riff A

Riff B

Riff C

Riff D                                                                    

Riff E

Riff F


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