Guitar tablature for "To Peace" by "Submersed"
Artist: Submersed
Piece: To Peace
Instrument: Guitar
Submitter: unseensg
Tab provided by tTabs
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This is just the intro to the song. I saw them live with Alter Bridge (really looking forward to AB) and these guys blew me away. Someone please tab the rest of the song, it's my favorite song on the cd I thought maybe if i started it someone else would finish. Any questions, email me at I know all of Alter Bridge's cd so ask away. Enjoy! *= harmonic: they do something different live than on the cd but this substitutes just as well Intro: eb|--*5~----------------------------------------------------------| bb|--*5~----------------------------------------------------------| Gb|--*5~--------0--------------0----------------------------------| Db|-------3-1h3----1h3-x-x-1h3---3p1--6-6-8-8-6-8-5-5-5h6p5/3-----| repeat with ending 2 Ab|-------3-1h3----1h3-x-x-1h3---3p1--6-6-----6---------------6---| Db|-------3-1h3----1h3-x-x-1h3---3p1--6-6-----6-------------------| 2nd ending: eb|----------------------------------------------------------------| bb|----------------------------------------------------------------| Gb|----------------------------------------------------------------| Db|--6-6-8-8-6-8-5-5-5b6r5~~---------------------------------------| Ab|--6-6-----6-----------------------------------------------------| Db|--6-6-----6-----------------------------------------------------|
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