Guitar tablature for "Bigmouth Strikes Again" by "The Smiths"

Artist: The Smiths
Piece: Bigmouth Strikes Again
Instrument: Guitar
Submitter: okhorne
Tab provided by tTabs


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Song: Big Mouth Strikes Again
Band: Smiths

Tabber: Oliver Horne

There has been some poor attempts to tab this, so I thought I would get off my fat bum and tab it out myself.
This done using a capo, as "there is a light that never goes out" is played up there, so by laws of deduction,
this song should be played with a capo.
OK hear we go, its my first tab, so be gentle with me, and if its wrong, well its a start. 

* capo on 4th Fret *
am	000210
c	032010
d	000232
f	133211
g1	320xxx


Intro & Verse

am, c, d
am, f, g1

Solo Bit: (position against capo)


{* (if you are not using a capo its 

Bridge (after drum solo) played with waaaahhaaaarrrr peddle

 e, c, e, f

Then back to verse.

Thats it.


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