Guitar tablature for "Scissors" by "Slipknot"

Artist: Slipknot
Piece: Scissors
Instrument: Guitar
Submitter: unknown
Tab provided by tTabs


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Slipknot   'Scissors'

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tuning = Drop D down 1 1/2 steps (B-F#-B-E-G#-C#)

x - dont play that string
/ - slide
pm - palm mute

Note: there are no 10's and 11's unless stated!!!


E |-77777-|
B |-xxxxx-| - tremelo pick this with a weak flanger effect.

Then comes in a second guitar

E |-7777777777777777-|
B |-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-| - here, increase the flanger effect when the 6's are played

Before the heavy part ("Broke away my tear spout...")

B |-7-7-7-7-|

The heavy part ("As i lie there whith my tongue spread wide open...")

B |-111-0-|
B |-111-0-|

The Chorus Riff ("Its hard to stay between the lines of skin...")

B |-021-021-00-5-05-01-|
B |-021-021-00-5-05-01-|
pm  --- --- --   -  - 

This riff comes in before "binding my time..."

B |-0000-01-|
F#|-0000-01-| - followed by percussion sounds
B |-0000-01-|
pm  ---- --

"Binding my time until the time is right"

B |-00-00-11-11-11-|
B |-00-00-11-11-11-|

The riff when he starts screaming after "Binding my time..."

B |-1--0-|
F#|-1--0-| - let the chords ring
B |-1--0-|

Then there is that noisefest part with feedback. Most notes resemble the intro
so play around with that. Im sure its a random thing when the band plays it live
(if they do...). 

Towards the end ("I want my time.. Id rather die..."

B |-7-|
F#|-7-| - this chord is played with flanger
B |-7-|

"Need Time!" (when Corey goes all psyco!)

B |-00-00-|
F#|-00-00-| - Just that chord
B |-00-00-|


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