Guitar tablature for "You Never Wash Up After Yourself" by "Radiohead"

Artist: Radiohead
Piece: You Never Wash Up After Yourself
Instrument: Guitar
Submitter: unknown
Tab provided by tTabs


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This is the only tab I was able to find on the web and I've noticed it being rated pretty poorly. I've corrected one note, that I'm going to assume was a typo, as the rest is accurate. (If you are wondering which note it is that is different it's the open E on the bottom string, in the eleventh phrase of the picking. Originally that was tabbed as being on the fourth fret.)





I must get out once in a while
Everything is starting to die
The dust settles, the worms dig
Spiders crawl over the bed

I must get out once in a while
I eat all day and now I'm fat
Yesterday's meal is hugging the plates
You never wash up after yourself



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