Drums tablature for "Ruin Fill" by "Lamb Of God"

Artist: Lamb Of God
Piece: Ruin Fill
Instrument: Drums
Submitter: jamiedrummer
Tab provided by tTabs


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Quality: 4 stars; 4.07 out of 5. Rated 14 times.

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Legend: cc=crash symbol, hh=hi-hats, rd= ride cymbal, sp=splash, t= 12" tom
T=13" tom, s=snare, Ft=floor tom, b=bass drum. 2= double over the toms. 3= triplets.

t |-----o-----------2---------------|  
T |--------o---------2---2----------|  
S |-oooo-oo--oo-oooo---------------o|   
B |o------------------333--333--333-|

I tabbed this to how Chris shows us how to play it on YouTube. It may be off a bit though because this is my first tab.

Enjoy =]



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jamiedrummer wrote at 4:03, February 19, 2009

ah after the splash instead of 4 snare hits its actually 3. sorry about that