Guitar tablature for "Talk With Me Dance To Me" by "Hot Hot Heat"

Artist: Hot Hot Heat
Piece: Talk With Me Dance To Me
Instrument: Guitar
Submitter: ensertname88
Tab provided by tTabs


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on the main riff the guitarist he hammers from 6-8 but you dont have 
to it sound spiffy without it but does sound better when you hammer

                     strumming pattern changes here (listen to song)

theres a bass fill, from the the first to second verse this is 
the guitar improvised for not totally sure on it but 
it works if you have distortion on (what doesnt?)

that pretty much all  not too hard the main riff i know is rite the chords 
sorta sound alrite when you play it

main riff-verse one
bass fill-trasition 
part 2   - verse two
main riff-chours
main fiff- verse three
main riff - outro

~- let ring 
H- hammer
pm...- palm mute


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