Bass tablature for "I Hate To Say I Told You So" by "The Hives"

Artist: The Hives
Piece: I Hate To Say I Told You So
Instrument: Bass
Submitter: radiotacoo
Tab provided by tTabs


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Artist: The Hives
Song: Hate to Say I Told You So
Record: Vini Vidi Vicci
Tabbed By: Jeff Grim


|---------------------|  when he says " Hate to say i told you so, Alright"
|---------------------|  just hit the 8 fret on the e string over again till 
|-----8---------------|  he says alright

|------------------------|  do this once

|---------------------| when he says "Cant believe i told you sooooo. Its all over you know"
|---------------------| hit the 8 frett till he ends sooooo  

This should sound pretty good atleast it does to me!


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